
Common table salt is called sodium chloride.

Most of the sodium we eat comes from sodium chloride. However, most of the sodium we eat does not come from the salt shaker. About 75% of our sodium comes from processed and restaurant foods. Since sodium is already added to food before we buy it, it can be difficult, but not impossible, to limit how much sodium is in our diet.

Too much sodium can cause high blood pressure

Which raises risk for heart attack and stroke. It is very important to read the nutrition facts label when purchasing food. Even in the same type of food, the sodium content can vary widely.

Too much sodium can cause high blood pressure

Which raises risk for heart attack and stroke. It is very important to read the nutrition facts label when purchasing food. Even in the same type of food, the sodium content can vary widely.

Most Americans have too much sodium in their diet.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

Recommends that adults, in general, should consume no more than 1,500-2,300 mg of sodium per day. People with the below risk factors should aim to lower their sodium intake:

  • Are 51 years old or older
  • Are African-American
  • Have high blood pressure
  • Have diabetes
  • Have chronic kidney disease

Did you know there Are 2,300 mg of sodium in just ONE teaspoon of salt?