Food Establishments


Effective May 7, 2018 consumers will have access to calorie and nutritional information in certain chain establishments covered by the menu labeling nutrition requirements. This applies to restaurants and similar retail food establishments if they are part of a chain of 20 or more locations, doing business under the same name, offering for sale substantially the same menu items and offering for sale restaurant-type foods. For more information click here.


Summary of Inspection Program
Routine inspections are conducted at all licensed food establishments. The frequency of these inspections is based on the type of food service conducted at the facility. Inspections are unannounced and only represent a “snapshot” of what is happening at the food establishment at the time of the inspection. A review of the facilities inspection history is a better indicator of ongoing operational conditions. Inspections for the establishments in Oklahoma may be viewed here. If you have any questions about the inspections in Oklahoma County, please call (405) 425-4348.

Anyone wishing to obtain a copy of the current regulations for Food Service Establishments may contact the Oklahoma State Department of Health at (405) 271-5243 or you may access them online.



Before coming to our clinic for adult vaccinations, please call one of our clinic locations to ensure that your specific vaccination is available. If the vaccination is not available, we will be able to refer you to places that do offer your specific vaccine(s).

Q: What do I need to do if the power is out at my home?
Generally, if the power is off for four hours or less, food in an unopened refrigerator will stay below 40 degrees Fahrenheit and should be fine to use. A full freezer will keep food at an acceptable temperature for about 48 hours if the freezer door remains closed.
Q: What about frozen foods?
Frozen food is usually safe to cook or refreeze if the power hasn’t been off any longer than 24 hours. If you have an appliance thermometer in your freezer, check the temperature when the power comes back on. If it reads 40 degrees or below, the food is safe and may be refrozen. If you don’t have an appliance thermometer, check each item individually. If the food still contains ice crystals it’s safe to refreeze or cook.
Q: What if I just cook the foods?

Remember, even thorough cooking may not destroy all the bacteria in perishable food that’s been left warmer than 40 degrees Farenheigt for longer than two hours. If you take a chance and eat it, you may become seriously ill.




Before coming to our clinic for adult vaccinations, please call one of our clinic locations to ensure that your specific vaccination is available. If the vaccination is not available, we will be able to refer you to places that do offer your specific vaccine(s).

Q: Do I have to close if I lose water at my food business?
If you are without water service for more than 1 hour you must close until it is restored.
Q: What if my food business is damaged?
If your place is damaged by a fire, tornado/strong winds, sewage backup, etc., you must close until inspected and approved by the Health Department.



Before coming to our clinic for adult vaccinations, please call one of our clinic locations to ensure that your specific vaccination is available. If the vaccination is not available, we will be able to refer you to places that do offer your specific vaccine(s).

Q: Who is my inspector?

Answer: You can contact one of our Office Assistants to get in touch with the right inspector, at or 405-425-4400.

Q: Do I have to have a food license to sell food in Oklahoma County?
Answer: Yes, in a preapproved commercial kitchen that is licensed through our agency. City license requirements vary within each municipality.
Q: Can I sell food out of my home?

Answer: As of November 1, 2021 the Homemade Food Freedom Act is regulated by the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. Additional information on selling food out or your home can be found here.


This program is conducted under Title 310: Oklahoma State Department Health Chapter 355: Smoking in public places and indoor workplaces. In the event that there is an exemption to allow smoking in a public place such as a restaurant, sanitarians from OCCHD may conduct plan reviews and inspections to ensure these facilities are in compliance.

The majority of OCCHD’s role under this act is to monitor the smoking in places where food, alcohol, or low-point beer are being sold for the consumption of the public. On occasion, sanitarians will collect information for the Oklahoma State Department of Health at public places that we normally do not have the authority to monitor.

If you have any complaints on facilities not monitored by OCCHD, i.e. restaurants, bars, etc. please contact the Oklahoma State Department of Health at (405) 271-3619 or 1-877-662-8887.

The Oklahoma State Department of Health has great information concerning smoking laws.