Seasonal Food Establishments
Before coming to our clinic for adult vaccinations, please call one of our clinic locations to ensure that your specific vaccination is available. If the vaccination is not available, we will be able to refer you to places that do offer your specific vaccine(s).
Q: Are there seasonal food establishment/snow cone stand requirements and where can I get them?
Yes. Please download our Seasonal Food Establishment/Snow Cone Stand Construction Guide for more information.
Q: How old do you have to be to work in a seasonal food establishment/snow cone stand?
The legal age that is required by the Department of Labor.
Q: Can we use a Portable Potty for a restroom?
No. There must be a letter from a nearby facility with a fully functioning restroom stating that you can use their facility while you are in operation.
Q: If my stand is new, do I need a plan review?
Yes, you must have a plan review for a new snow cone stand. The cost is $425 dollars for the plan review.
Q: Can seasonal food establishment/snow cone stands operate year round?
More Questions?
For questions about snow cone stands or related information, please contact the specific Program Coordinator.
For information on HB 1772 allowing multi-seasonal license for snow cone stands that sell hot beverages in addition to snow cones please click here.