Teen Pregnancy Prevention

Teen Pregnancy Prevention


The main goal of OCCHD’s Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) program is to reduce teen births in the Oklahoma City-County area by using evidence-based programs to change behavior. These behaviors include:

  • Delaying the onset of sexual activity
  • Increasing condom or contraceptive use for sexually active youth
  • Reducing pregnancy among youth

The TPP program helps to increase awareness of healthy behaviors by helping teens focus on:

  • Setting goals and decision-making skills
  • Consequences of risk-taking behaviors
  • Myths and facts about pregnancy
  • Techniques to respond to peer pressure, including refusal and negotiation skills

 We also have lessons that focus on healthy relationships, adolescent development, healthy life skills, risk reduction strategies, and communication skills.

Our TPP team has collaborated with other public and private agencies in the Oklahoma City area that promote teen pregnancy prevention.



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